AHS Water Hygiene - Hot and Cold Water Monitoring and Inspection Services

AHS inspect cold and hot water plant and domestic hot water services to guard against sediment and bacteria growth potential for contamination and Legionella risk.

We measure, monitor and inspect water quality:

  • microbiological analysis of water including legionella monitoring
  • sampling and interpretation of analysis
  • testing and extensive tailored testing for your site
  • UKAS-approved water testing

The HSE States:

If you identify a risk that you are unable to prevent, you must introduce a course of action ie a written control scheme, that will help you to manage the risk from legionella by implementing effective control measures, by describing:

  • your system, eg develop a schematic diagram
  • who is responsible for carrying out the assessment and managing its implementation
  • the safe and correct operation of your system
  • what control methods and other precautions you will be using
  • what checks will be carried out, and how often will they be carried out, to ensure the controls remain effective

We can advise regards adequate record-keeping by the Duty Holder/Responsible person including supply of a written log book. Results of testing and inspection will also be stored digitally in our systems for 5 years.

We are a member of the Legionella Control Association: reg no.  2022/3642

Alexandra Heating Services strictly adhere to the LCA code of conduct for LCA members which may be viewed by following this link: https://www.legionellacontrol.org.uk/_data/pdf/Code-of-Conduct-for-Members-701.19-04-22.pdf

We are also a member of the BSI (British Standards Institute) Membership number: 47871369

For any monitoring enquiries please email us to discuss your requirements